UI Data Provider

This Contract returns an array of all reserves, NFTs, loans, and user data for the lending protocol, used by the BendDAO front-end to display some dashboard data.

This contract is non-upgradable and is only intended for front-end integration. New contracts will be deployed according to new requirements. Please do not use it in smart contracts.



function getReservesList(address provider)

Returns the list of initialized reserves in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getReservesData(address provider)

Returns the list of aggregated reserves data for all the initialized reserves in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getUserReservesData(address provider, address user)

Returns the list of user reserves data for all user reserves in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getReservesList(address provider)

Returns the list of initialized NFTs in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getReservesData(address provider)

Returns the list of aggregated NFTs data for all the initialized reserves in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getUserReservesData(address provider, address user)

Returns the list of user NFTs data for all user reserves in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getSimpleReservesData(address provider)

Returns the list of simple reserve data for all reserves in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getSimpleNftsData(address provider)

Returns the list of simple NFT data for all NFTs in the Pool associated with the given provider.


function getSimpleLoanData(address provider, address[] nftAssets, uint256[] nftTokenIds)

Returns the list of simple loan data for the specified tokens in the Pool associated with the given provider.


The ABI JSON file is here.

Last updated