
This module is used to adding, removing and setting the assets in the custom pools.

Write Methods


function addAssetERC20(uint32 poolId, address asset) public

Adding a new ERC20 asset into the pool.


function removeAssetERC20(uint32 poolId, address asset) public

Removing a ERC20 asset from the pool. The liquidity (supply & borrow) of the to be deleted asset MUST be empty.


function addAssetERC721(uint32 poolId, address asset) public

Adding a new ERC721 asset into the pool.


function removeAssetERC721(uint32 poolId, address asset) public

Removing a ERC20 asset from the pool. The liquidity (supply & borrow) of the to be deleted asset MUST be empty.


function addAssetGroup(uint32 poolId, address asset, uint8 groupId, address rateModel_)

Adding a new group into asset. The asset MUST be ERC20 and the group MUST already added into the pool.


function removeAssetGroup(uint32 poolId, address asset, uint8 groupId, address rateModel_)

Removing a group from asset. The liquidity (borrow) of the to be deleted group MUST be empty.


function setAssetActive(uint32 poolId, address asset, bool isActive) public

Activate or deactivate a asset in the pool. Deactivated asset can not be operated at all.


function setAssetFrozen(uint32 poolId, address asset, bool isFrozen) public

Freeze or unfreeze a asset in the pool. Fronzen asset can not be withdrawn or borrowed.


function setAssetPause(uint32 poolId, address asset, bool isPause) public

Pause or unpause a asset in the pool. Paused asset can not be operated at all.


function setAssetBorrowing(uint32 poolId, address asset, bool isEnable) public

Enable or disable the borrowing flag of a asset in the pool. Only borrowing enabled asset can be borrowed by the user.


function setAssetFlashLoan(uint32 poolId, address asset, bool isEnable) public

Enable or disable the flash loan flag of a asset in the pool.


function setAssetSupplyCap(uint32 poolId, address asset, uint256 newCap) public

Setting the maximum supply capacity of a asset in the pool.


function setAssetBorrowCap(uint32 poolId, address asset, uint256 newCap) public

Setting the maximum borrow capacity of a asset in the pool.


function setAssetClassGroup(uint32 poolId, address asset, uint8 classGroup) public

Setting the class group of a asset in the pool.


function setAssetCollateralParams(
    uint32 poolId,
    address asset,
    uint16 collateralFactor,
    uint16 liquidationThreshold,
    uint16 liquidationBonus
  ) public

Setting the collateral parameters of a asset in the pool.


function setAssetAuctionParams(
    uint32 poolId,
    address asset,
    uint16 redeemThreshold,
    uint16 bidFineFactor,
    uint16 minBidFineFactor,
    uint40 auctionDuration
  ) public

Setting the auction parameters of a asset in the pool. The asset MUST be ERC721.


function setAssetProtocolFee(uint32 poolId, address asset, uint16 feeFactor)

Setting the protocol fee factor a asset in the pool.

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