NFT Liquidity
Based on the instant NFT-backed loan, Collateral Listing becomes possible for NFT players.
From sellers' perspective
Collateral Listing
With Collateral Listing, NFT holders/sellers can choose to take an instant NFT-backed loan and receive up to 60% of the floor price instantly when listing. If you already are a borrower on BendDAO, then you can list the collateral anytime you like.
The user will become the borrower and the seller on BendDAO after the Collateral Listing.
From buyers' perspective
NFT Down Payment
The buyer can pay a minimum down payment of 40%, depending on the actual price, to buy a bluechip NFT while initiating a flash loan from AAVE to cover the remainder. The borrowed amount of the flash loan will be repaid through the instant NFT-backed loan on BendDAO.
The buyers will automatically become borrowers with the down payment. And borrowers can list their mortgaged NFT for sale as well.
Last updated