Ape Staking

Ape Staking V2 has been launched, please use the Pool-based Ape Staking feature.

Pool Staking

NFT Holders

BAYC/MAYC/BAKC holders go to Pool Staking -> My Stakings page, select the token ids and click deposit.

ApeCoin Holders

ApeCoin holders go to Pool Staking -> My Stakings page, input the coin amount and click deposit.

Collateral Staking (Ape Staking V1)

BAYC/MAYC holder

List for Pairing

  1. BendDAO.xyz > ApeStaking > My Apes

  2. Pick staking pools; Users can List pairing for both the BAYC/MAYC pool and the BAKC pool.

  3. Set up the listing parameters

  4. Approve tokens and Confirm staking

Listing Parameters

Staking amount: The ApeCoin amount you have. You can input 0.

Peer’s min. staking amount: The min. staking amount required for the co-staker.

Reward sharing ratio: Sharing Ratio means for stakers, the proportion that each staker will get when claiming the rewards.

If the sharing ratio for BAYC, BAKC, and ApeCoin are 40%, 30%, and 30% respectively. For every 100 ApeCoin rewards, the BAYC staker will earn 40 ApeCoin, the BAKC staker will earn 30, and the ApeCoin staker will earn 30 ApeCoin.

Listing duration: Listing duration is when you can list for pairing to a number of specified days or until you want to cancel.

Cancel Listing

Ape Staking > My Pairing Listings > Cancel Listing

ApeCoin/BAKC Holder

Accept & Co-stake

  1. Choose a listed pairing

  2. Input the staking amount

  3. Approve token and confirm staking

Last updated